Thursday, November 27, 2014

ASX Sharemarket Game 2 2014 - dubious winners announced!

I cannot believe the portfolio returns of the announced winners!

I sent this email to the games organizers.


I find this games results very unbelievably.
A portfolio return of over 300% with no shorting available and no individual stock returning near 300%. And all this return in a negative market environment, and performed by only a handful of funds that were managed by novices!?
Please this is too much to believe and accept and that's coming from a trader with over a decade of experience.
Have you checked all the trades and their date and time stamps and verified they were not retrospective? Is your site secure enough? was it possibly hacked? do the winners/novices have a background it IT?
I would like to think you have already made these investigations but am still not convinced about the legitimacy of their portfolio returns.

I was in your top30 after several weeks of the comp but stopped playing after I saw the dubious returns of the handful of leaders, I thought then they were cheating and am not convinced they weren't.

Looks like they earned over $18,000 with their exploits!

I and my friends will not be playing your game next year unless you can convince us that the game is fair.

Branko Krstevski."

1 comment:

  1. I was trying to find out more about this "Becky" and how she won. Did you ever find out more or get a reply?
