Tuesday, April 17, 2012

US stocks turning negative - increasing my cash

The Nasdaq, a leading market indicator, is at the point of crossing below its 50 day moving average suggesting stocks may be heading south.

The change in market sentiment is probably due to concerns about high global debts (especially spain & greece). This high debt issue is a legit concern and has the potential to drag global markets down and quickly.

I plan to reduce my portfolio's risk to the markets by increasing my cash position to about 35%. Should the markets continue moving down then I will consider buys short etfs.

I sold my BAYRY and JAZZ positions last night (18/04/12).

ps. My portfolio is not composed of real money. It is part of a game run @ Marketocracy.com

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

M100 portfolio rebalance for 2nd Qtr

I have made a small change to my portfolio because I am reasonably happy with its performance.
Last quarter my fund increased in value by 15.21%.

I have sold off my ETP position and added two positions in DVAX & AMRN.

I have reduced my portfolio's exposure to oil because I don't think oil prices are likely to increase in the short term. Iran and US have stopped barking so this should cool oil prices.

I have bought two biotech positions: DVAX is a strong momentum play, AMRN is an old favorite of mine. AMRN have had a rough run lately but they appear to have turned the corner.

The general US economy is bubbling along nicely right now that's why I am fully invested. However I think there is a significant risk the economy could quickly swing south (unresolved debt issues) so I am ready to sell-off if required.

ps. My portfolio is not composed of real money. It is part of a game run @ Marketocracy.com.